We captured rainbows and even made our own weather vanes and telephone.
We "Camped Out" the following week. We packed a trail mix to give us energy for our backyard scavenger hunt.
We wanted to be prepared for anything we might find on our trek, so we identified different leaf shapes, insects, and wild animals, and we learned how to pitch a full-sized tent.
We also learned how to make a compass out of a needle, magnet, and a piece of cork...just in case.
We made paper chain snakes, binoculars, and popsicle stick harmonicas, and we finished the week by making delicious dirt pudding (with extra worms).
Since our little campers were already outdoor survival experts, we decided it was a good time to take them on safari. We learned to identify wild animals by sight, sound, and footprint.
We practiced safari yoga, and we made paper bag lions and wooden animals.
We even made rain sticks out of paper towel rolls, rice, and aluminum foil.
In between all the fun, we've been busy learning and growing!!
We have two weeks of camp left before the end of summer. Where did the time go?
Next up, dinosaur and spy camp!